Worst breakfast habits

|| Post On > Dec 17 2022 ||


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. According to experts, you should have a healthy breakfast within 90 minutes of waking up and this can help you with energy levels, mood, and concentration throughout the day.

Start off with hot water and lemon.

When it comes to breakfast, there's no need to make a big meal. A cup of hot water and lemon will do just fine.

Why? Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which helps your body absorb iron from food sources such as meat and eggs. It also contains flavonoids that have antioxidant properties—which may help protect against heart disease.

Food for focus.

The best way to keep your body ready to work is by eating protein and fibre. Protein helps you feel full for longer, while fibre keeps blood sugar levels steady so you can stay alert.

Protein also stabilizes energy levels, making it easier for your brain to concentrate on the tasks at hand. And when it comes time for lunch or dinner, these nutrients will help ensure that you have enough energy left over for those extra miles on that afternoon run!

Here are some examples of protein-rich breakfast choices:

When you need brain power, eat protein and fibre.

What does this mean? Protein is essential for brain function, so you want to eat plenty of it. Fibre helps you feel full and can help with digestion.

In addition, many protein sources contain fibre: beans and lentils, nuts and seeds (like almonds), yoghurt (which contains live cultures), avocados, eggs (the white part only counts)

Get in some fruit and veg.

  • Fruit and veg are good for you.
  • You should have five portions of fruit and veg a day.
  • Fruit and veg are low in calories, so they can be eaten as part of your breakfast or lunch without adding much to the calorie count.
  • They're also high in fibre, which helps you feel fuller for longer after eating them. This means that you'll eat fewer calories throughout the day, which may help reduce your overall weight gain over time if it's something that's been bothering you!

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  • hULDxRnTKJ
    2024-02-14 09:52:16


  • hULDxRnTKJ
    2024-02-14 09:52:16


  • iyDasAkqXLcRnzmp
    2024-02-06 15:16:15


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