Stay fit in this summer

|| Post On > Apr 8 2022 ||

Fitness can be fun. The best way to be fit and happy is by incorporating it into your daily routine. The summer season has set in and is expected to be warmer than usual in most regions of India this year. Besides the scorching heat and feeling of restlessness, this season brings in a host of diseases.

Take up a summer sport

Summers are the season to get out of your home and try something new so taking up a new sport would be ideal. Pick from options like beach volleyball, cycling, football, or even cricket that allow you to engage in physical activity and enjoy too.

Brisk walk

Whatever little you walk in the day make sure it's brisk. Walk faster and if that's difficult, listen to some fast-paced music which will make the process more enjoyable.

Take breaks from the desk

A sedentary lifestyle does a lot of damage to your body. So make sure to take enough breaks in the day that allow your body some good movement.

Take the stairs whenever you can

Taking the stairs is a great way to squeeze in some exercise without actually having to set aside some time. So to make it more fun, play your favourite song and time yourself when you walk up the flight of stairs.

Eat more colours

What you eat plays an important role in the way your body functions. So make sure whatever you eat you incorporate more colours in terms of fruits and veggies. It doesn't have to be boring just more colourful and fun.


Stretching allows your muscles to loosen up so wherever you are just take a few minutes to stretch out before you settle into the routine. Run a mile If you are pressed for time try and squeeze in an early morning run or a late evening jog to keep your exercise routine intact. And if that also doesn't work out then just put on a one-mile walk video from YouTube and walk in the comfort of your home. 

Keep the week-night drinking to a minimum 

Drinking on weeknights can lead to severe hangovers followed by bouts of dehydration and lack of sleep. So one health precaution is to skip the drinking and swap it with board games or movie marathons. 

Work out at home 

No time to dress up and get yourself to the gym? No worries, simply wake up and work out at home. As they say, a little workout is better than no workout at all. 

Get enough sleep 

Who doesn't like sleep? Luckily, sleeping helps your body relax and recover which is essential to stay fit.

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  • feCqDYmiOlnHMw
    2024-02-23 17:36:15


  • feCqDYmiOlnHMw
    2024-02-23 17:36:12


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